Sunday, October 18, 2009

Still Borrowing Computers

Pictures of things that have happened since the last computer borrowing....
Library survivor - one of two activities we did during days school was out for teacher inservice. Here, they have to drop origami birds down the stairwell and catch them.
Here, the activity is to create a help sign - in Spanish. The hats and first aid stuff are from earlier activities.
Tallying up the points at the end - they got "fish" to spend for treats
Still life from library survivor - origami birds, the best woven basket, and the best raft
Callie in her usual state - sleeping
The pirate birthday cake Irene made for me
Close up of piratey cake
Me with plastic sword and cake (original plan was to cut it with the sword, but since I was sick, Irene was down at the desk, and the other people were horrified by the idea, this did not occur)
Argh, ye scurvey dog. Hand over the booty!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Snow Pictures

Pictures from the first snow (since I don't have photoediting software, excuse the funkiness - I tried resizing these but it did not work well). Today it's a high of 38 degrees, and some flurries. I'm not sure I'm ready, and my apartment needs some serious weatherproofing before it's anywhere near ready.

On the bright side, Callie is doing much better, which means I can get back on track financially. I'm borrowing a laptop for the afternoon/evening. I really miss mine; hopefully something will work out as a replacement...