I will be fitting in a few fun things here and there, though (maybe with a sledge hammer to get them to fit into those tiny crevices of time) - the farmer's market, a going away party for a recent grad, and maybe making some more earrings.
I got my annual letter from Social Security today, giving me my eligibility for benefits. I noticed, in looking over my earnings record, that I have worked since 1974, with only 4 years in which I didn't make any income. One was my junior year in high school. Two were my first two years in college; I had a work-study job for at least one of those years, and I think back then it was counted as financial aid and not income. The other year was the one I spent studying in Britain and was unable to work because of visa laws. So, apparently, in the last 34 years I have worked 30 of them (some of those only part-time, though).
For some reason, I find that really depressing, especially considering almost all of those jobs were just that - jobs. That's a lot of time to spend doing something you'd rather not be doing. I'm hoping this degree will change that, especially since I'm looking at 20 or so years left to work. I really don't want to spend any more years regretting what I'm doing or not enjoying it, or putting in my time. Only two weeks of summer classes left, and then the homestretch into the last semester of school. I'm really hoping that this degree will let me do something I enjoy for the rest of my working life. 

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