You can see that Callie is oh so excited by packing supplies. I have yet to actually pack anything at this point, but at least I now have tape and this cool saran wrap type stuff you wrap around things. It sticks to itself, supposedly, much better than actual saran wrap. I'm using it to wrap around the plastic totes that contain most of my stuff. Normally I wouldn't bother, but I ended up having to hire people to move my stuff for me. It's not as expensive as I thought it would be, but it's not as cheap as having friends with pickup trucks and horse trailers.
I appreciated the help then, but now that I'm in a situation where none of that help is available, I really, really appreciate it. I don't want to even count how many times all of you helped me move, especially during the every six months spurt after the divorce. I'm truly surprised none of you slapped me silly. What was I thinking?! And yet, every time, you Montana people were there with trucks and whatever it took, like Earl carrying the 8 foot oak desk on his head up to the second floor. So, rejoice! You're not close enough to get roped into yet another one of my moves. (Do I hear an AMEN!)
I'm trying to bribe someone into helping me move some things on Friday (the day I get my keys) - plants, clothes, bathroom stuff, food, lamps, ... stuff you wouldn't necessarily want to throw on a moving truck. I think my chances of being successful with the bribe are pretty good. We shall see.
So, this next week is also the last week of the second summer session. I'm trying to wrap up my final project. The presentation is due Tuesday, and the project itself is due by 5pm on Wednesday. As you can see from the photo, the laptop is being used for jewelry display, rather than actual work. These are the two chain maille pieces I've done this summer, as a bit of a break from studying/working.
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