For whatever reason, this quote has been rattling around my brain, and has shown up lately on other blogs I read. It's interesting, because after my job rejection, my reaction has been, "what's wrong with me? - what do I need to change to become right, to become enough...?" Job rejections are funny things. The whole job search process can be depressing, dehumanizing, demoralizing. You put your soul out there, and when you're rejected, you don't really know why. Was someone that much better, or did you do something to screw it up? Did you just not "fit," whatever that really means.
So, I'm back to looking at where I am now, and where I would like to be. I'm processing through the disappointment of rejection. I'm processing through the possibilities open to me right now, right here, in this place. I have loose ends here, projects that are tied to this place. Maybe we're not done with each other yet. Maybe, for now, I am where I need to be.
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