because I can't be trusted to dress least for things that are important and at which you may be judged on appearance.
Okay, I am trying to figure out what to wear for a 2 hour interview at a public library. These are potential options. Any advice, suggestions, comments appreciated. The caveats are that since I'm paying to travel to the interview, I don't really have a budget for buying interview clothes. All of my suits & jackets are more appropriate to cooler weather.
This is my other question, though. So far, the weather forecast has the high for interview day in the lower to mid 70s. Is this still too hot for wool? Or would it look out of place in the summer? That could open up a few other options.

So, give me your thoughts and suggestions (email me or post comments on the blog). If none of these seem appropriate, let me know that, too, so I can develop Plan S. I can post pics of wooly things if necessary. Since it's 97 with 60+ percent humidity, wooly things only come out if everything here gets voted down. (temp also explains lack of anything done to hair)
Granted it really depends on the job you're going for, I like option 1 the best.
I vote for option 1 as well. :) Good luck on the interview!
I like option 3 or option 4 best. Good luck (I can come over and see the option in person, if you want).
I like option 1 or the dress. I veto option 5 and 6. too much tan. (OMG I've turned into Lisa)
Congratulations on your new job, and apt. Sorry to here you are leaving Council Bluffs again. Love from your Cousin, Laura
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