Friday, June 19, 2009


As a cooperative venture (and experiment), my nephew, brother, mother and I planted a small garden in a small neglected flower bed next to the house. We've discovered that some things (carrots, lettuce, zinnias) are not liking their new digs so well. On the other hand, tomatoes are loving it, as are beans and radishes. We have a few other things that are between the two extremes. Here are some evolution of the garden photos.

May 20th was planting day. These are the pepper and tomatoes, with the planting areas for beets, radishes, carrots, etc.

A tomato on May 20th, with the rosemary in front of it (this was moved to the center of the garden when it was pretty much buried by the tomato explosion.
The garden on June 5th - you can see the beans in the front, and the tomatoes toward the back.
Tomatoes on June 5th
Garden on June 16th

Tomato explosion on June 16th (with the radishes to the left)

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