These are the temporary dwellings of Trish and Callie. We're staying at my brother's house, in the attic-y extra bedroom. We've made ourselves comfy for now. I'll be able to spend some time with my family, do some sightseeing around the area, and get myself organized for whatever the future holds in store for Callie and me.
As you can see, Callie has made herself comfy. She's still a little perturbed by the moving experience, but she's getting settled in a bit. It will be nice to look forward to finding a job and a permanent place in the future, though. We're both tired of moving, and want to find a place to stay for a nice, long time.
I'll keep you posted on what happens with Alaska. I haven't heard anything yet, but am hoping to hear one way or the other very soon. Naturally, I hope to hear that they want me; it's a very nice library, and the people were extremely nice. The job itself combines all the different things that interest me, and I think I would be able to both contribute, and continue to learn and grow. It's out of my hands, though. I appreciate all of your good thoughts sent my way. Hopefully they'll help. Either way, I'll keep you all updated.
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