Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tattoo News

So, I finally decided that I really would get a tattoo. I decided what I wanted, and where I wanted it. The plan - do it in Omaha while I was back for Thanksgiving.

The problem? Well, I found the person I want to do my tattoo. This is the website: http://www.liquidcourageomaha.com/index.php. Click on the link for Jason, and you will see why I want him to do my tattoo. The only thing is, he's booked solid. (Oh big surprise there) So now, the dilemma is, when do I try to go back to have this done? Argh! I guess I've waited this long, so what's a little longer, right? January might be nice....

Now that I've seen the very cool tattoos, though, it makes it harder to wait.

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