Saturday, June 28, 2008

Tour of Quarries

Today Lynn and I went on a tour of several local quarries. It was sponsored by Parks and Rec and a local land trust. We went to 1) the Empire Quarry, where the limestone for the Empire State Building was quarried, 2) the Evans Quarry where we got to see a diamond saw cutting into limestone, 3) the Mitchell Quarry where limestone is quarried and then crushed for gravel, asphalt, and other commercial purposes, and 4) the Dishman Hindostan Whetstone Quarry, which is now part of the Sycamore Land Trust and is known for fossil tidal records.

Empire Quarry

Empire Quarry

Evans Quarry (the white box-like thing at the end of the track is the diamond blade cutter used to cut into the limestone)

Evans Quarry - stacks of limestone blocks

Evans Quarry - blocks marked with where they're going, where they came from, and the dimensions of the block

Evans Quarry - Lynn wants one of these

Mitchell Quarry

Fossil palm tree trunk at Dishman Quarry

Layers of Limestone at Dishman Quarry


Anonymous said...

Which one of these quarry's did they film in the movie Breaking Away?

magpie said...

The quarry in the movie was Sanders Quarry, but there are quite a few quarries in the area.