The bag is finished and mailed, as of yesterday. Woo hoo! It certainly took longer to finish than I'd expected. School did get it the way, but it took between 35-45 hours of work total. I always forget how long these things take. And it's not like you sit down and work for that many hours straight, either. It's something I enjoy, but I think it's not something I'd want to do on a regular basis, especially as a job.
Now that the bag is done, I'm hoping to have more time for other beading projects. I probably won't tackle anything too complicated until class is done in August. I'm thinking earrings are always good, and I still have beads from my Montana visit.
(The picture is of a bouquet I got at the farmers' market about 3-4 weeks ago. The white flowers are mock orange blossoms. They made the whole apartment smell so nice....)
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