Sunday, February 17, 2008

Still Alive

My nonposting indicates the number of projects that have been and will be due. I finished my 30 minute teaching project, and now have evaluation and management left. Both of those are due the same week, one on the 25th and the other on the 28th. This is why you will find me celebrating on the 29th, and fairly quiet here until those things are finished.

I'm going to be going to Omaha/Council Bluffs March 6-13th for spring break. Woo hoo. I know how to live it up for spring break. Beaches, palm trees.... oh, wait, that's Mexico, not Omaha! Oh man, and I bought an unrefundable ticket!

I really wanted to go back to Missoula, but the $600+ airfare kind of killed that idea. Flying to Spokane was cheaper, but still would have cost $350-400, as opposed to Omaha's less than $200. Money does influence our decisions, maybe more than we'd care to admit.

Other than being buried in a ton of work, life is good. I hope to have several more contestants soon for the apartment contest, and some clarification on the first few. I really, really hate the rental market here. One of the options might be living in a van, down by the river. Oh wait, there's not really a river here. Hmmm, in a van by a tree?

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