Monday, February 25, 2008

Apartment Voting This Weekend

Okay, I have an appointment set up with contestant three. I have ruled out other options that didn't make it to the contestant stage (too expensive, loud neighborhoods, no pets, etc, etc), so number 3 will be the third and final contestant. I will post details on Friday (late afternoon or evening). Actually, I'll recap all the choices then, so you have the info handy.

You will be able to vote by going here: All you have to do is type in your name and check a box. You don't have to register for anything. You don't have to use your email. It's very, very simple.

I'll look at the poll on Monday morning at 8:00am Eastern time, and then I'll be calling someone to sign a lease before I leave for spring break. This is how simple it is. Hopefully, this method will change my apartment karma.

I've finished 2 of the 3 bigger projects (each for different classes). I'll be done with the last one on Thursday morning. Woo hoo. I'll still h work left for the semester, but it actually gets decidedly easier from that point out. It's kind of nice, because I usually end up with everything due at the end and a mad scramble to finish up

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