I have begun checking on apartments for fall. This is the initial contact phase, which will result in the official visit phase, which in turn results in the signed lease. I am hoping to find a six month lease. I don't think that will happen, so the next best option is a place which allows a subleasee who can assume the lease. That (also) is highly improbable. We shall see. I have never lived in a place with such unusual housing issues. When I mention any of them, I'm met by, "It's a college town." Hate to say, but I've lived in several other college towns, and this is less a college town thing and more of a all-bets-are-off-there-are-no-regulations thing.
I remain ever hopeful, though. After my previous experiences, my standards have been lowered. If I can find something that doesn't leak, has pipes that don't freeze, can be heated and cooled adequately, has even three feet of kitchen counter space, and allows a cat, I could be happy. I look back at my places in Missoula longingly, even those which I then considered to be unworkable for some reason. I would be happy to be living in any of them again. With a cat, it's even more fun looking for places. Here, we have not only the pet deposit, but the portion which is nonrefundable (you pay for having a pet, not for any damage that might be caused by the pet), in addition to a monthly pet rent.
How could anyone not want such a cute cat as a tenant? (the mat behind her is the first scratching device she's ever willingly used.)

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