Resolutions? Well, I tend toward suggested guidelines for things (like recipes and patterns and speed limits) and not strict rules; the intentions I will try to hold in my mind and heart this year are, as always, to continue to move toward becoming more authentic and visible in the world. This year, a more practical intention is to move toward more financial stability.
I'm hoping that will happen soon. As it turns out, my tuition remission paperwork has not yet made it to the bursars' office. So instead of getting a bit of refund from my financial aid to use for things like rent and heating bill, I "owe" about $3000 and am being charged late fees. It'll all get worked out in the end, but meanwhile I'm right back at that unhappy place of not knowing how rent will be paid. It's at times like these that I really wish I had a credit card. Alas, someday, but by the time that happens, I will (hopefully) be removed from the financial craziness that has possessed my life lo these many months.
Here's hoping that 2008 will be smoother and gentler for us all, with many unexpected beauties (like this perfectly "arranged" still life nature left on one of the street corners I cross on my way to school/work).