Other than the hazards of getting flour all over the sleeves, I can highly recommend baking in PJs. That just means having to change the shirt before going back to bed, so, hey, I can live with that.
It's been colder here, and windy. As my door and door frame are warped from the leaky roof (which now can't be replaced until warmer weather, fine, okay), air doesn't just leak in, it blows. I have two lighter blankets tacked up and they billow out like sails. This probably also explains that exponentially increasing electic bill. Baking, however, warms things up nicely. Added bonus, the apartment smells great.
I now have two loaves of wheat bread, hot pepper brownies (Heather's recipe), sugar cookies (the thin kind from my family's recipe), and several calzones leftover from dinner. All made while still in PJs. All I need is some coffee to go with those cookies.

(the pointy wooden things are the size 13 double pointed knitting needles made from a dowel)
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