And some more smatterings of snow, and gnarled roots, and the green of trees...

my tree in the wild

Ice carving was the same day as tree hunting, so I walked around to check it out when we got back. There were a lot of new carvers this year. This is a moose just down the block from my favorite coffee place.

This is the grand prize winner - it's a phoenix, and the picture does not do it justice.

My porch decorations - maybe $5 worth from the thrift store. Still, it looks festive, and since I have no outside electricity, lights are out.

door wreath

festive table decorations, including my funky skiing girl

kitchen window - I found big light bulbs (yes, the thrift store) and tied them onto a jute cord to create garland

Christmas tree with lights and decorations

frosty fence

bag number one of packages mailed

and bag number two

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