This week we've had snow, rain, sunshine, hail, wind... not necessarily in that order.

The garden, with a light snow cover that melted off by the end of the day... Snow is definitely getting old. I don't think we've had a week yet where there hasn't been some kind of snow, even if it's just flurries that didn't stick.

But spring is trying to arrive. The climbing vine is budding.

When it's not covered with snow, the garden is growing, a little, maybe (at least it's not dying).

The geraniums are budding.

There's a mix of old and new - plants breaking into bud and old structures crumbling. Old and new. Living and dying. All inextricably knit together into the pattern of the world.
Old walls....

new green....

My neighbor's scaffolding, as they work on repairing the old.

The lemon thyme I planted growing through snow, hail, gropple, and rain, just waiting for the sunshine.

It's all good.
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