Hmmm, April already. A lot has happened in the last 6 weeks or so. After talking with the director about leaving, an opportunity came up to switch to a different job at the library, one that fits my interests and skills better, and one that gets me away from some of the stress-inducing crazy.
I was able to train with the librarian who was leaving the job before I officially applied for it. It's not perfect, and since it's still at the same library, it has some of the same people issues. It does move me away from crazy central, though. The new job is in tech services with a digital focus. I'll get to do some teaching and some outreach, too. The balance fits me well. I'll be able to pick up some of the skills I need to make a serious bid for an academic job when this grant is finished. So, for better or worse, I'll be in Butte until next summer (2011).
The frozen shoulder continues to improve. Callie has been issue-free for awhile, and will hopefully continue that way.
Until someone is hired for my old position, I'm straddling two jobs. It's been frustrating to be doing two things part-time, and only doing what NEEDS to be done. I'll be happy when I can focus on the new job.
Since I haven't posted for a ridiculous amount of time, I'll be putting up some photos and videos from various things that have happened. I'm hoping for spring, which doesn't look like it will be anytime soon (as we're lucky to get into the 40s, and have had some snow). I'm also hoping to make it through April, because once April is over, a lot of the programming stuff from my old job tapers off. Then, even if I am straddling two jobs, it shouldn't be quite so crazy.