Monday, August 3, 2009

New Job Updates

I've completed my first day as an official librarian. I like the library and the people I've met. I'd forgotten how mentally and physically exhausting the first day can be. It's 7:30pm and I'm pretty much ready for bed right now.

Today - met with the director, met with the children's librarian, met with the reference staff, and with one of the people who worked on young adult programing, filled out paperwork, collected a pile at least 12 inches high to be read soon, found out I will be attending a conference in Great Falls in Sept. as a presenter, was presented with a set of 6 keys to various doors in the library.

Tomorrow - meet with the systems librarian, choose the area I want to set up my work space in, move furniture, get set up with email, read some of the piles of stuff, and other things I don't know yet.

Wed. - I can only guess. Meet Adriana, Halen, and Gary at my apartment after work for a tour, and then a ride to Missoula.

Thurs. - Attend Pacific Northwest Library Conference in Missoula. Sneak away to meet Denise and Heather at 7pm.

Friday - Attend Pacific Northwest Library Conference in Missoula.

Saturday - Irish festival in Butte.

Sunday - rest and recuperate.

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