"Inside us all, patiently waiting, sits a tiny little adventurous bird." - Freya Ete
I've been more in the patiently waiting stage, than the adventure stage. Well, maybe the patiently consolidating stage. It's been nice to have this break between more structured job environments. While it may not look like much is happening on the outside, inside I've been pondering and questioning, and pulling many things together. Winter is such a good time for this, for the collecting of thoughts, for checking course directions, for pondering changes. Mostly, though, it feels like I am pulling many things together into wholeness.
Since I've been in Butte, my whole life has been waiting. And because of the waiting, good enough for now. In my quest for more authenticity and wholeness, I've been wanting things outside to reflect my authenticity. So, it was time to go through the closet and dresser, and part ways with things that didn't reflect the interior, to let things that were good enough for now go. So, three garbage bags later, my closet and dresser have things that fit me, things I like, things that are good, and reflect me.

So, I'm balancing waiting/indecision with living here and now. And it just gets easier and easier to live here and now, which makes life very good (even if it lacks adventure).