Callie has never been entirely normal, but I don't know that I've ever met a normal cat. Possibly weirdness IS normal for a cat. This is a video of her at possibly her weirdest, though.
The toilet seat hinge in the upstairs bathroom developed a loud squeak rather suddenly. I first noticed it when I was in a hurry. I washed my hands and headed downstairs. Callie had been on the sink, but she jumped down, ran down the hall after me, hissed and batted at my leg. She doesn't typically do things like this. I had no idea what had upset her.
Later that same day, I was sitting in the bedroom working on the computer. Callie was asleep next to me. My mom squeaked the toilet seat. Callie woke up, jumped down with her fur all fluffed out and ran into the bathroom, startling both my mom and I in the process.
Turns out the squeak in the toilet seat really annoyed her, for whatever reason. I really wished I had video of her running into the bathroom after my mom. Instead, this is video as she sat in the hall and yelled as my mom tried various things to fix the squeak. Who says cats aren't as entertaining as dogs? (and yes, the squeak is fixed and it's safe to use the bathroom once again.)