My interview with Alaska was Thursday. I'm giving it maybe a 7 out of 10, and calling it a learning experience. This was my first phone interview ever. I hadn't realized how much I depend on visual feedback from people. Talking to disembodied voices was harder than I thought. Still, now I now that this is not my preferred method, and that I will have to find ways to compensate. It was my first library interview, too, so again, I have better ideas of what to expect for next time. I said that at the least, I'd like to get a phone interview because it would be a good learning experience. I did, and it was. I count it as a success.
We finished stuffing and sealing the envelopes on all 2080 nomination ballots and associated information at work. These go out to the tenure eligible professors and retired professors. They'll actually leave our office and go to the mailroom on Monday. I might have a chance to take pictures of them all stuffed into boxes (lots and lots of boxes). This means we're done for awhile, though. I'm hoping to still tweak my database a bit to make it better and easier to use for next year, just in case the online voting thing doesn't go through, and they're stuck with the paper ballot process like this year. I'm crossing my fingers for them that all this goes away and gets replaced with the online system, though.
Other than that, it's classes and work as usual. I did go to dinner at Nora and Weldon's house with Virginia. The food was good, and then we all knit, or in Weldon's case, crocheted. It's been really nice getting together with all of them. That's really the only time I spend knitting anymore, too. Maybe I'll finish this same scarf I'm working on before winter's over if we keep this up.