Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
And the newest member of the household is...
So I put Callie in the bathroom because it's the only room with a separate door. I opened the front door, and I tried to sort of push the bat out the door. It flew around the room and then behind the chair near the front door I kind of gently touched it with the broom to get it to move ouside. I had to do that a few times but it flattened itself under the door and then it flew off into the fog.
The thing that I could kick myself for is that I now have a digital camera, purchased yesterday. The battery had even finished charging, but did I think of that? No, of course not. Aak.
Bat gone. Callie liberated. I have no water, though. Apparently when I had no hot water, they'd had to replace the hot water heater. Of course, something has gone wrong with it. This is Indiana. So, I'm off to find coffee to drink in a place that has a bathroom in which I can wash my face. I already brushed my teeth without rinsing, so I'm minty fresh. Mwah mwah.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Of Squirrels and Earthquakes
This link has a map of the epicenter (5.2):
I'm preparing for a weekend of finishing up projects/papers. It's supposed to rain and be cooler tomorrow, so maybe that will help with the studying. This time next week I'll be getting ready to leave for Montana!
Time for a new game!
1). It's below zero, and all the pipes freeze except for a small trickle in the cold water faucet in the kitchen and the toilet. It's Sunday of the Super Bowl.
2). You go out drinking until 3am, get home, and realize you don't have your key with you.
3). You're woken up at 1am by the sounds of a squirrel practicing for Olympics gymnastics event, both floor and arial. Your ceiling consists of a dropped ceiling with metal grid and foam-type ceiling panels that are not particularly thick.
Okay, ready. The answers are....
1). No (the Indianapolis team is playing - nothing is a maintenance emergency)
2) Yes - This is a lockout, and maintenance will show up anytime. You will, however, get charged for it.
3) No - Apparently not. Or as the after-hours service said, "A squirrel won't hurt you. If if gets into the apartment, just open the door and let it out." I did wonder how that might work if it fell from the ceiling into my bed, and then Callie chased it around for a bit before the whole open door policy could be instituted.
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008
Exorcism for Undergrads?

Monday, April 7, 2008
Spring, Spring, Spring!
Woo hoo! It would be even better if I weren't busy. I've been trying to do some studying outside, though, when it's not raining. It's supposed to start again tomorrow. sigh.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
I see some travel in the future...
It looks like I can take a bus from Spokane on the 26th at 5:15pm, getting into Missoula at 10:40pm, and one on the 3rd at 7:30am getting back to Spokane at 10:55am. So, I am looking for volunteers to come fetch me from said bus station, and also volunteers for places to stay. If you would like to be a volunteer for anything, please let me know. I am excited about being able to see all of you, and the mountains, and have good coffee (although not at my favorite place, since it's closed, sigh).
Now I have to survive the last few weeks of the semester, without getting distracted by thoughts of Montana. That'll be tough to do. Hmmm, the attribution theory and academic library performance evaluation OR mountains and rivers and friends..... see my dilemma?